Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Thinking again (scary)

I haven't posted much lately, as I said in my last post..  Still a lot going.  That is a good excuse.  Actually  I have had a lot on my mind.  I have been read the Deep  Winter series of books and it has spurned a lot of thought .  I think I mentioned this in an earlier post.  I am part way through the last book and it is almost scary as to how things are happening in the book.  I can almost imagine some things happening in real time.  I don't usually write on these topics, but I am becoming more alarmed all the time.  I have been alarmed for some time.  Even before we started changing our way of life a few years back.  Even though we need a change in Disneyland North, I am afraid that the other side is not going to provide us with the right answers.  Is there no common sense in politics?  Why do we have to have President that is a fat cat?  Why is it that how much money a candidate has seems to be the biggest issue.   I realize that money will buy your way through anything, but is it the answer?  I just feel like a person with good common sense and no money would make a better president than most of the ones we have had.  We need someone with "cajones".  Stand up to people, don't bow to anyone, defend the Constitution and make this a Country that the world would once again look up to.  Right now I feel we are almost a laughing stock around the globe.  We should not be apologizing for anyone's actions.  Nobody apologized to us for 9-11. I will not continue on this train of thought. My thoughts don't get pretty as I continue.

This week-end I couldn't figure out why I felt in such a good mood.  Sunday evening it sunk into my thick head that I hadn't listened to any news all week-end.  Oh well, life goes on. Maybe I need to do a "Morning Report."  Get a little lightness in my mind.   Sorry about the rambling. Keep the powder dry.---johnnyb


  1. I've read the Winter series a couple of times, and you're correct, it gives one much of which to think...I didn't really care for the third book, but that's just me. I've also downloaded the first two to my Kindle and pull them up when I'm bored. They lack for edit, but still read well. Good for you..it's never too late.

    1. You are right on the edit. I was amused at one chapter heading that read Early Tuesday Morning--1550 hours. A bit off.

  2. 'Even though we need a change in Disneyland North, I am afraid that the other side is not going to provide us with the right answers. Is there no common sense in politics? Why do we have to have President that is a fat cat? Why is it that how much money a candidate has seems to be the biggest issue. I realize that money will buy your way through anything, but is it the answer? I just feel like a person with good common sense and no money would make a better president than most of the ones we have had. We need someone with "cajones". Stand up to people, don't bow to anyone, defend the Constitution and make this a Country that the world would once again look up to. Right now I feel we are almost a laughing stock around the globe. We should not be apologizing for anyone's actions. Nobody apologized to us for 9-11.' OH MY, I COULDN'T HAVE SAID IT BETTER. AMEN AND AMEN.

  3. Well put. Honestly, I have given up on politics and politicians to solve anything. Seems like once they get to Disneyland North, they do a complete brain flip and forget what they're there for. In the end, one "side" is no better than the other. Better just to hunker down and wait it all out, whatever it may be.
