Wednesday, June 27, 2012


I took these pics yesterday of a fire about 4 miles from our house.  Luckily the wind was from the SW instead of SE.  We would have been in deep doo-doo had it been.   A few farmsteads lost buildings.  Don't know whether any houses were lost or just outbuildings.  One firefighter collapsed, but is doing ok.  No other injuries that I know of.  Temperatures were hovering in the 115 degree (F) range during the afternoon.  Today is supposed to be cooler, only 109!  No relief in site for at least a week.  It is so hot and dry that just the friction from a birds butt while taking a poop will ignite something!  This one was started by a car on the hiway who had pulled over in the ditch with car troubles.  There will probably be more.  Most of what burned was wheat stubble and pasture grass.

Nothing much more new in this part of the world.  Garden is still holding in there.  We have picked carrots, beets, and of course zucchini squash.  The heat has kind of slowed some things down.  The sweet corn is setting ears right now.  Can't wait for that to be ready.

God Bless All--johnnyb


  1. I'll send you good folks some of our rain. We've plenty to spare.

    1. That would be a blessing. As the old saying goes, " It is drier than a popcorn fart!"

  2. That would be scarry! We have not had any rain here in the midwest either, like a half inch in almost three months :( They are saying we may get some rain next tuesday I hope they are right :)

    1. We have had about the same here. Areas close by has had some small showers,but they all seem to miss us.

  3. Praying things get wetter down there

  4. We are watching things closely here in Central Mo. If a spark gets into the trees it could be a disaster. Everything else is just dead and brown except for some fields here and there.
