Saturday, December 3, 2011

Let it snow, Let it snow, Let it snow

We are getting a nice winter storm this morning. Weather reports say 4-10 inches for this area. We already have about 4 inches so I'm guessing we will be in the upper end of the spectrum. No wind yet, but it is supposed to pick up to about 30 MPH during the day. It will probably pile up in the road ditches and fence rows where it doesn't do much good. Oh well it is December, so this can be expected. It is kind of pretty so far. I've got coffee on, the dogs have been out,(and right back in), got some good friends to follow on their blogs and a good book to read. I think I am set for the day.

Quote for today-"Foreign aid might be defined as a transfer of money from poor people in rich countries to rich people in poor countries.-- Douglas Casey, Classmate of Bill Clinton at Georgetown University

God Bless all and be safe--johnnyb


  1. Hmmm, methinks we should share - we're predicted to be 33oC tomorrow.

    Oh, for a white Christmas... :)

  2. Our forecast highs for the next week are 25-30 F. I was outside a bit ago and it looks like it is approaching 10-12 inches.

  3. No snow here but it will come soon I think. Enjoy your day indoors!!

  4. And to you my friend, have a good day, and hey one of those pictures would look nice on your header...

  5. Gorgeous. I love snow, but I'm a big fan of visiting it and then coming home. I can't wait to take the kids on a trip to see the in-laws in Canada for Christmas when they are older.

  6. Pioneer Preppy-That I am.

    Stephen--I may do that.

    45er-I don't mind the snow too much. Usually it doesn't stick around too long. Notice I say usually!

  7. I am ready for snow. We had some teaser snow, but it melted. No snow in the forecast for now, so I will enjoy your snow pictures.

  8. Yeap, damn fine picture up there....

  9. Rose--This ended up to about 12 inches. Drifted up a little.

    Stephen--thanks. It was time to change it.

  10. Johnny - I love your inventiveness, perseverance, your cheerfulness and enthusiasm.

    I've given you an award!

    Thank you, for your generous sharing of your knowledge, for your inspiration and for your support! Dani :)

  11. Thank you very much Dani. Appreciate it.
